Less Experienced
Television food show pilot, motion graphics and launch
Sirr and Vadan Less of Integrated Alchemy Media are into food. They’re the kind of guys you want at your party – the ones who will take over the grill and make everyone happy. They came up with the idea for a unique food show combining their particular intelligence and humor with bold motion graphics and exciting animation. I helped them make their vision a reality.
- Art direction, design, static and motion design, and all production.
- Logo/identity system
- TV pilot video intro and interstitial motion
graphics animations including illustrations - DVD packaging and other collateral
- Trade show booth posters and graphics
Design research and initial logo exploration
Our process for this project included:
- Define overall project goals and objectives
- Design research, exploring collage and 60s
poster art - Broad experimentation quckly narrowed to a
defined direction. Simultaneous
development of static and motion graphics
We started by identifying the Less brother’s overall goals and the creative direction to pursue. They were interested in eclectic design approaches, collage and hippie era art. We determined from the outset that a collage motion approach would be taken to interstitial cartoon segments tying together their show’s live action sequences. The logo and ID needed to complement the video work.
The Less Experienced Identity
The boys eventually settled on the logo of an open mouth that signified both the act of biting into food and the aggressive in-your-face nature they envisioned for the show. We were able leverage this logo quite successfully for the show’s introductory animation.
The show’s introductory ID/branding animation
The show was designed to consist of several live action pieces, punctuated by related interstitial animation. We adopted the technique of motion collage that enabled us to easily create fanciful adaptations of the Less brothers wild ideas. I developed the look and feel, sourced support material and executed the animation.
This piece served to introduce the audience to the brother’s off-beat humor and ended with a mouth chewing up and spitting out a composite image of the brothers and their logo as it blared the phrase, “Let’s eat!!”
The show intro is at the beginning of this YouTube segment. View Less Experienced Part 1
Oyster piece interstitial
This collage-animation introduced an editorial video piece in which the brothers toured Hog Island Oysters, north of San Francisco. It began with the phrase, “It took a brave man to eat the first oyster.”
The Oyster animation appears 2:07 into the second YouTube segment. View Less Experienced Part 2
Vadan dreams of Sushi
This collage-animation piece served to introduce the Less Brother’s visit to Tokyo Go Go Sushi in San Francisco, where they challeged the proprietor to come up with some on the spot dishes ala “Iron Chef”.
The sushi segment begins 57 seconds into Segment 1, after the intro. View Less Experienced Part 1
The Trade Show Booth
Once the video was complete and pressed to DVD we developed a breadth of collateral materials and imagery for the NAB (National Association of Broadcasters) trade show in Las Vegas.
We created a booth banner, large scale posters and mounted screen shots from the video on foam core.