Who are
Craig and Lisa?
Yeah, we'd be thinking the same thing.
Lisa Verlo
is a poet in the traveling troubadour tradition. Born in Flint Michigan of Norwegian heritage, Lisa was raised in post DeGaulle France, Marcos heyday Philippines and the great plains of South Dakota, bringing her a perspective upon culture and societal concerns which finds little reciprocated understanding in our mainstream voices.
She has trained extensively in theater and performed throughout the country. She appeared in a feature film, on Showtime and recently celebrated the release of Home, her CD of spoken word.
Visit her site to learn more http://members.aol.com/siisa.
Direct e-mail to Lisa: Siisa@aol.com.
Craig Millman
is a fine artist currently residing in Los Angeles, CA. His work has been exhibited throughout California. In 1992 he was awarded a Dartmouth Fellowship for painting.
His work utilizes traditional methods like oil and woodcut to explore the influence of technology on contemporary culture and psychology.
Some of Craig's work can be seen at his homepage http://www.craigspeed.com.
Direct e-mail to Craig: cm@craigspeed.com.